
Sunday, September 11
5-7 pm  

Join us for our monthly Love Feast!  This is a time of food, fellowship, worship, and communion.  This month's speaker is Dr. Elaine Golden from Fritech Ministries, Barkhamsted.  Contact us for the address at hartfordprayer@gmail.com, bring a dish to pass.



Have you ever had a dream that seemed very confusing?  You try to forget the dream, but it still haunts you, sometimes for days or weeks or even years.  You have a sense there is a hidden meaning, but you're not sure what it's all about.  What do you do with it?

Dreams and visions are referenced to over 200 times in the Bible. Many prophets were given powerful words through their dreams.  The Lord warned some people of upcoming danger through their dreams. Destinies were revealed through dreams.  Some were even foretold their deaths.

Approximately 1/3 of our lives are spent sleeping and in dreaming.  If the Lord is constantly speaking to us, wouldn't He also speak to us through our dreams?  In today's western culture, many people today have been conditioned by a skeptical and sophisticated society to discount the language of dreams.  This wasn't always the case.  In the early Christian church:

• Thomas of India received instruction from his dreams.

• Polycarp was given a vision of his martyrdom

• Constantine was directed in a dream regarding the heavenly sign he was to carry in battle.

• John Newton, an early slave trader was stopped in his tracks by a dream from God.  Newton's life was so turned around through that dream, he eventually became chaplain to the king of England.  He also wrote one of the greatest hymns: Amazing Grace.

Have you ever wondered if God still speaks to people today through dreams and visions?  Maybe He's speaking to you through your dreams and you're not listening, or you're not understanding it.  Join with us as we explore the Bible to gain greater understanding of our dream life, and explore our dreams.  Through this class we will learn to become more sensitive to our dreams, learn how to keep a record of our dreams, and learn the basics on how to interpret our dreams. As intercessors, this is the time and there is a great need for us to learn how to reconnect with our dreams, be extremely sensitive to hearing the voice of the Lord.   




We are called to be in unity as the bride of Jesus awakens and is being restored in Connecticut.

 Won't you come as you are and worship in spirit and truth?

 Worship, intercession, sharing, impartation, going out to bring the prodigals and the lost home to Jesus as family.

 Look below for details.




Daily Prayer

MONDAYS 7-9 pm
School of Prayer:  New class starting September 19: Exploring Your Dreams!  Email hartfordprayer@gmail.com to join us.  $20 per person to cover cost of materials.

Love Feast