
Saturday, April 7
5 PM
329 Fairfield Avenue, Hartford CT

At our next LOVEFEAST we will celebrate with a Passover Seder.  The Last Supper - which was actually a Passover Seder -  was the last meal Jesus shared with His disciples before His crucifixion.   It is important for us know the meaning of the Seder and why was it significant that the Lamb of God was crucified during this season.

Our friend Rev. Dr. Elaine Golden of Fritech Ministries in Barkhamsted will facilitate. 

Come join us, learn more the significance of the Seder, and about the Jewish roots of our faith.  No charge for the meal, we just ask that you bring a dish to pass. Because of limited seating, you will need to make reservations.  Email us, hartfordprayer@gmail.com if you'd like to come.   An offering will be taken to cover the costs.


Thursday, April 12   7-9 PM
South Congregational Church
277 Main Street, Hartford CT

This month Rev. Sheila Kimball from the CT National Day of Prayer will share with us the significance of the National Day of Prayer and the importance of publicly praying for our state.



• SOAKING PRAYER - Sunday, March 18 5-7 PM

• SCHOOL OF PRAYER - Monday, March 19 7-9 PM

• EARLY MORNING PRAYER - Tuesday, March 20 at 6 AM

• PRAYER CONFERENCE CALL - Thursday & Saturday, March 22 & 24 6 AM to join: dial 1-302-202-1108, access 230081
