Summer of Hope is a collaborative effort led by Urban Alliance and the Micah group (a group of senior pastors in the Urban Alliance network). The mission is to the share the love of Christ with our local communities through a series of united efforts including:

  • Prayer walks
  • A united prayer and worship event
  • Community outreach and information sharing
  • Promoting summer outreach events offered by churches and organization in the UA network

Our goals are to foster unity in the body of Christ, cover the state in prayer, seek an outpouring of God’s presence, meet the needs of residents in practical ways as we share the love of Christ, and connect the community to local Christian churches and organizations.  

Coming Events

Get Involved!

Host a Prayer Walk in May

During the month of May churches are invited to host a prayer walk. Pick a date, time and prayer walk community and share the information with Urban Alliance. We will include it on the Summer of Hope website so others can join you in prayer!

Attend the Summer of Hope Unity Service

We are excited to come together as the body of Christ to worship together and pray for our state. Consider attending and bringing a friend. Church leaders can use the promotional materials to share about the event with their congregations. 

The service will be held on Saturday, July 29th at Noon at Dunkin’ Park (Yard Goats Stadium) in Hartford, CT.

Promote Summer of Hope

We are looking for churches and organizations to display a Summer of Hope lawn sign on their property or at high traffic locations in their communities. This will direct people to the Summer of Hope website that lists summer outreach events hosted by churches and organizations in the Urban Alliance network.

List your summer outreach event

We invite churches and organizations in the Urban Alliance network to include their summer outreach events on the Summer of Hope website. Outreach events include any event that is open to the public, is free to attend and meets a need (i.e. vacation Bible-school, family events, movie nights, food distributions, workshops, seminars and classes, youth programming). Church services are not outreach events.