by Audrey Church | Nov 11, 2012 | Our News
The meetings have been so incredibly sweet at the house of prayer! Last Monday we started learning about the heart of the intercessor, beginning with motivation: why DO we pray? What motivates us to pour out our lives in intercession? Those who were here stated they never heard teaching like this and they wanted more viagra meilleur. We are continuing on. Following is the schedule for the upcoming week:
Monday 7-:30 pm
School of Prayer HEART OF THE INTERCESSOR: 7 Longings of a Human Heart
Thursday 7:30 pm
Worship and Intercession
Saturday 9am – 12pm
GOD CHASERS – Teaching on the Bibilical Use of Anointing Oil
Come and join us.
by Audrey Church | Nov 4, 2012 | Our News
We just finished holding our first prayer conference (“Igniting Fires”) All I can say, it was amazing! There was miracle after miracle surrounding this conference! Because we are such a new ministry – less than a year old – this was a huge step of faith to hold a conference like this with very little financial support. It was an even larger step of faith because we wanted this to be available to everyone no matter the cost, so we charged absolutely no registration fee. We believed God to take care of the finances and He did…….magnificently!
Brandon Hammonds and Justin Rizzo from the International House of Prayer, Kansas City ( taught us on houses of prayer, how we ALL are called to be “houses of prayer”. They cast the vision for establishing increased hunger for more of His Presence, how to host His Presence. We ended with a powerful time of intercession for our children. A young mother spoke of her passion for the youth of Hartford as well as her own children. The room electrified as Justin sang back her prayers, igniting all of us to passionately cry out for the next generation. Awesome!
Check out our website: to see pictures of our conference.
At the House of Good Hope, starting tomorrow night (November 5) we will explore the intercessory ministry; why the call to increased worship & prayer, the motivation of prayer, etc.
The teachings for the next 4 weeks will be as follows:
November 5 – The Heart of the Intercessor
November 12 – Living the Blessed Life
November 19 – Revelation of Intercession
November 26 – Our Authority in Prayer
Plan to join us? You will be greatly encouraged!
We meet:
Monday nights7-9:30pm – School of Prayer
2nd & 4th Thursday nights 7-9:30pm – worship, prayer & intercession
3rd Saturdays 9am-12pm God Chasers
4th Sundays 6-9pm – OverFlow
In HIM we live and move and have our being……
by Audrey Church | Oct 20, 2012 | Our News
We at House of Good Hope are very excited about hosting our first conference! Brandon Hammonds and Justin Rizzo from the International House of Prayer (IHOP-kc) are coming to cast the vision for raising up houses of prayer and 24/7 prayer rooms in New England churches acheter viagra l. We believe that now is the time to increase our prayer and intercession in New England, something is about to happen.
Over the years of my walking with the Lord, I had come to the realization that nothing, absolutely nothing happens in the Lord unless His people come together to call it in through sacrificial worship, prayer and intercession. I’ve not heard of any revival that had “started on its own”. Great revivals started because there were groups of people crying out for more of His Presence. John Wesley, who was one of the key leaders in the First Great Awakening said it well when he said: “Nothing happens except that which is in answer to believing prayer”. I quote that often! Also, I heard one great preacher once state that history is in the hands of the intercessor. As I’ve walked this path of prayer & intercession, I’m realizing more and more how true that is! All the Lord is looking for is a “few good men” AND women to pray in His purposes for New England.
Several years the Lord gave me this Scripture to identify the call He has placed on me:
“Now gather yourself into troops, oh daughter of troops……” Micah 5:1
We are holding this conference not just to build up House of Good Hope, our own local house of prayer. That is only one of our goals. The main goal is to raise up and encourage more houses of prayer and 24/7 prayer rooms!
Plan to come if you are called to be a History Maker!
by Audrey Church | Sep 17, 2012 | Our News
I so love living in this house! My family think I have a “strange” lifestyle by my living in Hartford, of all places. And my turning this house into a house of prayer! Why do I invite all these “strangers” to come in and pray at all hours of the day & night? Even when I’m not home! One day, it was election day, my daughter spent the night with me. I had left for work and she wanted to leave. But there were voices downstairs; a prayer meeting was going on! My daughter couldn’t leave the house without a lot of hugs and prayers from all these “strangers”. One time we went out to dinner and when we came back to the house, there were 5-6 youth on the floor in intense travail!
Last night I held a nightwatch, didn’t get to bed until 5:00 am. I woke up at 10:30 am this morning to the sweetest sound on earth! In fact I felt like I was in heaven! About 20 people were in the house, all worshipping at the the top of their lungs. My dear friends, Patricia & Gregorio Videlia were invited to speak at the church that meets in my house of prayer. Patricia kept crying out “RIVER OF GOD!! RIVER OF GOD!!” in her wonderful Argentenian accent. The Lord had sent her & Gregorio as missionaries here to Connecticut about 10 years ago from the fires of the Argentina revival. I introduced the Videlias to the pastors of the church that meets here in the house of prayer, and they invited them to preach today.
As I was waking up, the Presence of God enveloped me. I laid in bed for a few minutes and worshipped God with them. Finally I knew I had to get up and join them. After I had eaten breakfast, dressed and came downstairs, they were singing the last song. At first I was disappointed. But the sweet Presence of God was still there! Gregorio preached a powerful word that morning about going after the Presence of God, how that is TRUE revival. Everyone was in tears, even then interpreter! Everyone in the church were all are so hungry for more of the Presence of God! But we get caught up in our own “agendas” that we don’t take the time to wait to listen for God’s voice. We need to wait on the Lord, seek after HIS Presence and do HIS will. After the sermon, they both prayed for all of us, and soon everyone was praying for each other. We shared a meal together, all loved on each other, and the last person left at 5:00 pm. I went back upstairs and took a 3 hour nap.
What way to live! After my experiencing all of this, I don’t want to live any other way. What better way to live than in a house of prayer?
by Audrey Church | Sep 14, 2012 | Our News
September 15-16, 2012
House of Good Hope/Hartford House of Prayer
320 Brown Street, Hartford CT
Why do I organize 12 or 24 hour prayer watches? They are so much work to organize, and people seem to fall asleep in the middle of them. I’m exhausted for days afterwards. Why do I do this to myself and to my friends?
I can’t explain the reason, all I know is there is something in me that has a passion to pray all night. Whenever I read about past glories like the Moravian Movement, or the First & Second Great Awakening, or the 1850s revival, or Azuza Street or the Welsh Revival, a stirring rises up inside me. If it could happen in the past, why not now? I had been involved in previous moves of God; was saved and filled with the Spirit in the Charismatic Renewal in the 1970s, and had tasted a little of the Toronto Blessing & Pensacola Revial in the 1990s. They were not huge moves of God, but they were enough to make me hungry and thirsty for more. One of the songs that came out of Toronto and Pensacola was, “I Need You More”. Oh how I want more! I need more of God!
And I want to hang around people who also desperately need more of God.
It’s not about theology. It’s not about revelation. It’s about HIM. It’s about His Presence. I’ve had little tastes of God, but I so desperately need more! I don’t want it just for myself either. I want it for everyone. I desperately want to see lives change. I want to see souls saved. I want to see lives transformed. I’ve seen a little. There have been wonderful healings and marvelous deliverances in the short time this house of prayer has been in existence. But there must be more! There HAS to be more!
The Lord has been drawing me to the inner court. Last winter as I was reading Ezekiel 40-48, the Lord spoke a strong word to me. He revealed to me that I was “living in the outer court”, only visiting the “inner court”, when He was calling me to live in the “inner court” and only visit the “outer court”. I was doing it backwards! Of course the “outer court” is where the glory is. Preaching and prophesying goes on in the outer court. People see you and are attracted to you in the outer court. You can look really good in the outer court. You can fake it well in the outer court. But when you are in the Inner Court, all alone and face-to-face with God, King of Kings, King of the Universe, Creator of all things, you can’t fake it there. People also don’t see you in the Inner Court. It’s just you and HIM. You miss all the “shake it and bake it” conferences. You miss the latest popular preacher or worship leader who comes to town. You miss much because your life is hidden in God. There’s no glory in the Inner Court. But this is a place of intimacy. This is the place where you meet face-to-face with GOD and your life is drastically changed. You also begin to realize there is more Power in the Inner Court, and not in the conferences, or latest popular message. You realize you can be more powerfully effective in the Inner Court, and not in the outer court. Moses lived in the Inner Court and only visited the outer court. So did Joshua, and Elijah. Not only were their lives drastically changed when these Bible heroes lived in the Inner Court, the atmosphere around them was changed. History was re-written! They faced down horrible giants and the Lord was glorified through them. Countries were birthed or changed because they poured out their lives in the Inner Court.
Things happen after believers poured their lives out to God! Revivals took place when groups of people come together to enter the Inner Chamber and cry out to God. There were lightenings, thunderings, mighty rushing winds when groups of people came together to pray. Drunkards and partyers ran out of bars and nightclubs, and ran to churches to get saved; not because of some powerful evangelist who came to town, but because groups of people poured out their lives in prayer. If it happened then, why not now? Why not here?
I invite you to come into the Inner Chamber with me this Saturday evening. Come for an hour, come and spend the entire night in worship and prayer. Let’s spend the night in worship and intercession, allow God’s Presence change us!
The prayer watch starts at 6:00 pm Saturday, September 15 and will go to 6:00 am Sunday September 16. House of Good Hope is located at 320 Brown Street, Hartford – the corner of Brown and Maple Avenue.